Sunday, July 15, 2007

Criss Angel videos

He does some remarkable levitation tricks. Here are two I suspect use the same basic technology:

Chriss Angel walks on water

Chriss Angel levitates from building to building

There are closeup shots in the water-walking video that suggest he's miming solid contact with the water. I don't think there is glass under there.

In the second video, pay attention to the high-speed footage of his levitation at 3:30. It has a "stepped" quality -- imperceptible in the real time footage -- that suggests he's using a computer-controlled, distributed wire rig. I'm guessing it's a specialized implementation of a flying camera system. The wires must be very thin, very lightly colored and strong, like super-strong fishing monofilaments. Notice he takes his time; the filaments can obviously take a good load so long as there are no sudden jerks.

I also like his more person-scale illusions, like walking through glass, levitating on the street (here's how he does one form of it), and pulling a woman apart in a park.

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