Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday gifts -- 04/26/2010

The Mind's Eye
Since around 1999, I watched this several times with my kids as they grew up, we found it mesmerizing. Now the graphics are incredibly dated, but the whole thing gives me an overwhelming sense of nostalgia.

Hawking warns against contact with aliens

Apollo 11 Launch in slow motion
There's thrust, and then there's the Saturn V. The explanation of why the very beginning of the exhaust is dark is fascinating: they use the cooler exhaust from the turbine pumps to line the sides of the engine bell, giving a bit of insulation from the very hot main rocket exhaust. That's why you see that arterial-looking tube running the circumference of the nozzle, I've always wondered about that.

Your Old Crap Website Dredgings from the early days of the Web.

Archie Comics' first openly gay character

Architectural Megaprojection (Thanks to Andy R.)
Video 1
Video 2

Sheath that lightsaber, son! (Thanks to Chriz)

A brief history of Martian Timekeeping

FARD (Thanks to Arnold)

The Wolf At Our Heels

California Schemin' Art will eat itself.

Another article with the same title, same subject

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