Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Notre Dame

I've been listening to hours and hours of Joseph Campbell's lectures on mythology. He's really a fascinating fellow. Yesterday I listened to the episode of Bill Moyer's series Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth entitled Love and the Goddess, where he spoke of Christianity's gentle reintroduction of Goddess worship with the rise of interest in the Virgin Mary during the middle ages. He pointed out that the cathedrals which sprang up in those times can be thought of as a womb, wherein one can experience their own 'virgin birth', that of a spiritual rebirth.
I went to look at pictures of cathedrals, and was forced to agree. In particular, the entrances to cathedrals have a very strong resonance with the organs of childbirth -- quite beautifully so. Take a peek.
That's a vagina if I ever saw one. (smiles)

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