Sunday, September 2, 2007

Pebble's Beach Tanka Challenge -- Results

All last week I ran a contest on my IMVU homepage inviting everyone to submit one or two tankas involving a beach, or taking place on a beach. The Grand Prize would be a copy of J4SM1N3's excellent Playa Tropical beach scene, the runners-up would get something purchased off their wish-lists. Look below for the actual text of the contest rules.

I've looked over the entries and decided these are the winning beach-themed tankas. I looked for strong imagery, strong emotion, a sense of implied deeper meaning, and an x-factor which I can't label better than "it speaks to me for some reason".

Since I can't pick which of the three is best, I'll just gift all three winners with their own Playa Tropical scene. Congratulations to these three poets! The entries are listed in no particular order:

Grass gives way to sand
Sand gives way to the harsh sea
Like thunder crashing
on the jagged rocks below
I ache for my Captain’s touch

The sea breaks the moon
tears across obsidian,
perfect, pale fragments.
Lost on the beach, jealous, I
covet their intimacy.

Dunes hide us from sight
Grasses blown by gales of change
Sway undecided
Thin trees bend to winds desire
Violent waves devour all

As you can see, I like strong, emotionally rich words like "ache", "covet", and "devour". Maybe I'll have another contest in the future. This one was a lot of fun.

Here are all the entries I received, listed in no particular order. A huge "thank you!" to everyone who participated!

Surfing -

Sun on my shoulders,
through unrelentless trials
with each wave crashing
and the many times I fall
you will always be right there.

as fish slowly die
on oilcloth, pregnant young girl
watches solemnly.
sun sets, casts his glare till where
water ends and sand begins.

fishtail still submerged,
human torso on dry sand
basking at the sun.
her voice, which has lured sailors
to their watery grave, calls for me...

the beach sound echoes
the thrill of sea meeting sand
combined forever
But no-one to hear them meet
something heard but hides unknown

Universe of sand
Salty kisses upon toes
Bold pebbles submerged
Beneath the smothering surf
And the unknown will of god

whispers from the deep
quiet urgings insistant
drag sand from the beach
and stones from near the shoreline
to far off destinations

Moonlight and sunlight,
reflecting off the water
invoking deep thoughts
changing minute by minute
as does the shape of each wave.

Warm sand under foot
Pungent smell of the sea breeze
As golden warmth fades
and light gives way to darkness
twinkling stars come out to play

And thanks to J4SM1N3 for making such a wonderfully inspiring IMVU scene. It's my fave!

And finally, here was my original contest announcement:

Pebble's Seaside Tanka Challenge

I love poetry, especially non-rhyming, free-form poetry that speaks with a clear, simple voice. Recently MissHappen told me about the japanese "tanka" poem-form, which is somewhat like an extended haiku.

My challenge to you is this: write a tanka about the beach, or an experience on a beach. You may submit no more than two poems, so choose wisely. The deadline for entries is September 1st. After that date, I'll choose three people as winners, based on the entries I like best. Grand prize will be a gift of J4SM1N3's excellent Playa Tropical beach scene; for second and third place I'll probably pick something off the entrants' wishlists.

What is a tanka?

Look here for an extended discussion of the tanka form. But structurally it is a five-line poem with 31 syllables, the lines containing 5-7-5-7-7 syllables, in that order. The last two lines should have a different rhythm than the first three, but I won't be too picky about the rhythm rule.

Stylistically, traditional Japanese tanka adopts a somewhat elevated (as in detached or objective) tone, avoiding harsh epithets or vulgar language. It conveys meaning by implication. It often has a poignant or bittersweet quality, with a dash of what Richard MacDonald calls "a sense of poverty." But I think it can work with a more upbeat feeling too.

To get the ball rolling, I'll write a sample entry (which won't be included in the contest).

the waves stroke the sand,
the white beach sighs with pleasure.
their love is not rushed.
seafoam curls gently around
a small, half-buried seashell.
(Pebble whispers: I love writing erotica no one can complain about.)

So have at it! Subject matter and mood are totally up to you, but it must have a beach setting or theme, and it must be submitted by September 1st. Any poem that doesn't adhere to the 'five-lines, 5-7-5-7-7 syllables' rule will be disqualified. You may submit them as messages, and you can write the whole thing as a single paragraph -- just remember to separate the lines with a "/". (Like so: the waves stroke the sand,/ the white beach sighs with pleasure./ their love is not rushed./ seafoam curls gently around/ a small, half-buried seashell.)


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